Selection of a Carrier Aircraft and a Launch Method for Air Launching Space Vehicles
By Marti Sarigul-Klijn Ph.D., Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn, Ph.D., Gary C. Hudson, Bevin McKinney, AirLaunch LLC; Jim Voss, Phil Chapman, Transportational Space Corp.; Bob Morgan, Jim Tighe, Jason Kramb, Scaled Composites LLC; Ken Doyle, Mike Quayle, Protoflight LLC; Charlie Brown, Space Vector Crop.
Presented at the AIAA SPACE 2008 Conference and Exposition, San Diego, California, Sep. 9-11, 2008
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Results of QuickReach™ Small Launch Vehicle Propulsion
Testing and Next Steps to Demonstration Flights
By Debra Facktor Lepore, President, AirLaunch LLC; and Ralph Ewig, Ph.D., Senior Engineer,
AirLaunch LLC
Presented at the Utah State Small Satellite Conference in August, 2008
1.5 MB
Flight Testing of a Gravity Air Launch Method to Enable
Responsive Space Access
By Marti Sarigul-Klijn Ph.D., Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn Ph.D., Gary Hudson and
Livingston Holder, AirLaunch LLC; Dan Fritz, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF and
Chris Webber, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, CA; Gregg Leisman,
Major, USAF and Dale Shell, Space and Missile Systems Center, Detachment 12,
Kirtland Air Force Base; Maurice Gionfriddo, MPG Consultants, Westborough,
Presented at the AIAA Space 2007 Conference, September 20, 2007
500 KB
Progress Toward First Flight of the QuickReach™ Small Launch Vehicle
By Debra Facktor Lepore, President, AirLaunch LLC and Joseph Padavano,
President, Delta Velocity
Presented at the Utah State Small Satellite Conference in August, 2007
1 MB
AirLaunch’s QuickReach™ Small Launch Vehicle: Development Status of Phase 2B
By Debra Facktor Lepore, President, AirLaunch LLC
Presented at The International Aeronautical Congress,
October 2-6, 2006
600 KB
Gravity Air Launching of Earth-To-Orbit Space Vehicles
By Marti Sarigul-Klijn Ph.D., Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn Ph.D., Gary Hudson and
Livingston Holder, AirLaunch LLC; Gregg Leisman, Major, USAF and Dale Shell,
Space and Missile Systems Center, Detachment 12, Kirtland Air Force Base;
Chris Webber, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base
Presented at the AIAA Space 2006 Conference, September 19 – 21, 2006
700 KB
Performance Modeling of Launch Vehicles utilizing Vapor Pressurization (VaPak) based Propulsion Systems
By Ralph Ewig, Ph.D, Bevin McKinney and Gary Hudson, AirLaunch LLC
Presented at the AIAA Space 2006 Conference, September 19 – 21, 2006

250 KB
Falcon QuickReach™ - Airdrop Envelope Expansion to Enable Low-Cost Space Access
By Lt Col Dan Fritz, Chris Webber, 418th Flight Test Squadron Air Force Flight Test Center
Presented at the Society of Experimental Test Pilots Conference on September 29th, 2006

1 MB
AirLaunch’s QuickReach™ Small Launch Vehicle: Operationally Responsive Access to Space
By Debra Facktor Lepore, President, AirLaunch LLC and Joseph Padavano,
President, Delta Velocity
Presented at the Utah State Small Satellite Conference on August 17, 2006
1 MB
Flight Testing of a New Earth-to-Orbit Air-Launch Method for Safety Launching Personnel and Cargo into Low Earth Orbit
By Marti Sarigul-Klijn and Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn, University of California, Davis;
Bob Morgan, Jim Tighe and Arnaldo Leon, Scaled Composites; Gary Hudson and
Bevin McKinney, AirLaunch LLC; and David Gump, Transformational Space Corp.
Published in the Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 43, No. 3, May – June 2006
Presented at 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 8 - 12, 2006
750 KB
QuickReach™ Responsive Launch System
By Gary Hudson, AirLaunch LLC
Presented at the AIAA Responsive Space Conference, April 24 – 27, 2006
400 KB
Trade Studies for Air Launching a Small Launch Vehicle from a Cargo Aircraft
By Marti Sarigul-Klijn and Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn, Mechanical and
Aeronautical Engineering Department, University of California, Davis;
Gary Hudson and Bevin McKinney, AirLaunch LLC; Lyle Menzel,
Universal Space Lines LLC; and Eric Grabow, Space Vector Corporation
Presented at the AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 10 – 13, 2005
1.4 MB
Certain photos courtesy of U.S. Air Force, Edwards AFB, CA
AirLaunch LLC for appropriate credit information if using
AirLaunch LLC media property.